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Apple rumors: No mini LED in the iPad Air after all and Tim Cook's pencil hints

Ben Schwan
Apple-Keynote-Logo mit zwei Fragezeichen

Apple keynote logo with two question marks.

(Bild: Apple)

Apple's spring event takes place next week. There are new rumors in the run-up - also fueled by the Apple boss.

This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

It's not long now until Apple's first keynote of the year: on March 7, there will finally be another Apple event [1]. New rumors about the products to be unveiled have now emerged in the run-up to the event. Interestingly, CEO Tim Cook is also involved - with a post on X.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Apple will apparently not be using a mini LED screen [2], as previously known from the iPad Pro, for the iPad Air, which will reportedly be released in two variants for the first time - including a new one with a 12.9-inch display [3]. It was previously said that the new, larger model would have the particularly bright screen technology. The information had only been spread by well-known display analyst Ross Young last week - according to him, the mini-LED display from the 12.9-inch iPad Pro would move to the Air. But now Young, who runs the consultancy Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC), has changed his mind. In an X-Posting for subscribers, he stated that he no longer expects this because the costs for the panel are too high for Apple [4].

He had been told this by "several sources in the supply chain". Accordingly, both new iPad Air models, i.e. the 10.9 and 12.9-inch versions, will continue to use normal standard LCD panels. It is rather unlikely that Apple has changed its mind at short notice - apparently Young's initial statement was incorrect. However, he also wrote that it is conceivable that a new iPad with a 12.9-inch mini-LED screen could be released "in the fourth quarter of 2024". But that would be a completely new variant, which doesn't really fit either, as Apple already has a rather confusing range of tablets with a standard iPad, iPad mini, iPad Air and iPad Pro.

Meanwhile, Apple CEO Tim Cook has also contributed to speculation about the "Let loose" keynote. In his official post [5] on the event invitation, he not only showed an animation of several Apple logos apparently created with Apple Pencil, but also wrote that Apple should be entered in the calendar for May 7, which means "Pencil us in for May 7". Pencil, in turn, is the name of Apple's own stylus. Cook also added an emoji with a pencil. A stylus can also be seen in the official Keynote Apple logo (see above).

In addition to new iPad Airs, new iPad Pro models with an OLED screen for the first time [6], a new Pencil with a "squeeze" gesture [7] and a new Magic Keyboard variant with an aluminum housing are also expected. Another interesting question is whether Apple will use the date to announce the European launch of the Vision Pro [8]. Analysts claim that the company could do with a sales boost [9] for the mixed reality headset. Somewhat wilder speculation also suggests that Apple could announce the Pencil as an additional input device for the Vision Pro.

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[1] https://www.heise.de/news/Lass-dich-frei-Apple-kuendigt-Event-fuer-den-7-Mai-an-9695497.html?from-en=1
[2] https://www.heise.de/news/iPad-Air-2024-Groesseres-Modell-angeblich-mit-Mini-LED-Display-9691788.html?from-en=1
[3] https://www.heise.de/news/iPads-2024-Apple-soll-mehrfach-verschoben-haben-doch-der-Mai-ist-wohl-fix-9676209.html?from-en=1
[4] https://x.com/dsccross/status/1783153530678944154
[5] https://twitter.com/tim_cook/status/1782785458881302714
[6] https://www.heise.de/news/iPad-Air-2024-Groesseres-Modell-angeblich-mit-Mini-LED-Display-9691788.html?from-en=1
[7] https://www.heise.de/news/Naechster-Apple-Pencil-Wohl-neue-Geste-fuers-iPad-in-Planung-9674223.html?from-en=1
[8] https://www.heise.de/news/Leak-In-diesen-Laendern-koennte-die-Vision-Pro-als-naechstes-erscheinen-9654632.html?from-en=1
[9] https://www.heise.de/news/Vision-Pro-Apple-korrigiert-Produktion-angeblich-deutlich-nach-unten-9696524.html?from-en=1
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